Blackstag Construction: Unlocking the Home You Dream Of

A home is more than simply a place to live, it is the starting point for all family activity and an expression of those who live in it. When you welcome others into your space you are inviting them to experience an extension of yourself. A home should reflect what you value; be that quality time with family, entertaining friends, efficiency and sustainability or perhaps all of the above.

Our team at Blackstag Construction has extensive experience with all facets of a full home renovation. From the design to the finishing work, we will delve into your goals and vision to create a unique space that suits you and your family’s needs and desires to create the space you will truly love.


Content with the size of your home but don’t find the layout is utilized efficiently? You don’t need to consider costly add-ons to your home, instead our team at Blackstag Construction will find ways to maximise the home you already have. Moving walls, changing sizes or eliminating rooms can completely transform the layout of your home and the way it functions.

It’s important to know what matters most to you in your home. Finding out where your priorities lie is step number one; be it more space, higher functionality, updated atmosphere and aesthetics or rearrangement to accommodate growth. Our team will work closely with you to make sure your dreams and family needs are fully realized in your new space.

Areas usually focused on in a home remodel are; kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, laundry, basements and entrances.

Browse through some of our previous projects


Blackstag Construction is a local, family owned and operated company that understands and lives the importance of family. The home is where your family should feel safe and comfortable the most. Our team have an expertise in budgeting, estimating, and scheduling. Ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish. We pride ourselves on helping our clients bring the vision of their dream home to life and create a space they love and feel comfortable in.


Call us today at 403.603.0899 to get a quote and begin your journey to making your dream home a reality!

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